My Million-Mile Mountain

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Ephesians 4:2

June 18, 2023

This was the VOD from 3 years ago. I wanted to share it today because it reminds me how we should always behave toward each other. And it reminds me of how Felicia tried to live her life.

She did her best to show grace and mercy to those who disagreed with her. She did it in love. She never started an argument. She never picked a fight. It took a LOT for her to flip her lid. I only saw it once (thankfully, it wasn't aimed at me). She always kept her cool, even when she was fuming inside. She was a great example of how to be patient with others and act in #love instead of in anger.

I learned these traits from her. I still need to work on some things, though. Especially while I'm driving. But, I think I'm better now than I was 22 years ago. Yahweh gave all of us a great teacher through Yeshua. And those who follow His example continue to be disciples and share with others how to behave toward our adversaries.

Having been married to the most incredible woman, I've been blessed with countless learning opportunities, reshaping and reforming my own disciplines as I got closer and closer to Adonai. My wife was an excellent role model for those who didn't know Jesus as their Lord. She tried to love everyone she met, though some people are just incapable of being loved, which is sad. But Felicia still tried.

Now, as I stand on this boat and prepare to step onto the water for real this time, I recall my wife's passion for Yeshua. For Yahweh. If she could still go to Him in all her pain, if she could still love others while she suffered, surely I can, too. So I will. I have to...

I love you and am grateful for your love, my beautiful bride. Always. Forever. #Fiercely