My Million-Mile Mountain

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Proverbs 12:25

June 9, 2023

I know how true this Proverb is. I've had many people offer kind words to me these past 15+ weeks. While I've been struggling, my heart has been lifted time and again by simple gestures and comments. I can't thank y'all enough for being such wonderful people and being there for me when I need it. Some of you can relate to what I'm going through as far as losing a spouse. But each of us has our specificities, which make our experiences unique to only ourselves. Regardless, you still have been wonderful with your words of support and encouragement, and I thank y'all for that.

Currently, I'm not only struggling with the loss of my dear wife, but the stress that loss has imposed has also rebooted my vertigo. It had gone away last Wednesday but returned last Friday morning with vengeance. So, now I have more of that to deal with. It has made me slow to do things that need to be done. It has affected my work, my chores, and even my time with family. I'm fighting it, though. So we'll see who the winner is of this round, hopefully sooner rather than another week from now (Verti usually stays about 2 weeks).

So, kind words are always welcome and encouraged. I can't ask for them if I can't offer them, myself: for all my adult life, I've been an impatient man. As such, I've said and muttered some unkind things. Changing this trait has been challenging, but I've been working hard to be more patient and more kind in those situations. Especially these past 15 weeks. One lesson I've learned through this is that we don't know what's going on in people's lives (strangers or not). And since we usually don't know, we need to be considerate of those who seem angry or bitter or just mean.

Anyone who has those attitudes has experienced something horrible somewhere in their lives, and they never got kind words for medicine, which pushed them further into bitterness, etc. Simply being kind to them may not change their attitudes then and there, but it starts something. This is something I'm working to fix. And Felicia would be happy I'm working on it.

I love you, my angel. Always. Forever. #Fiercely