John 16:13

May 25, 2023

If you're a fellow believer, then you know that we're living in what seems to be the Revelation. You know that the prophecies of old have been and are continuing to be fulfilled. Hopefully, you've heard the Spirit of #Truth tell you things He's heard from Our Father... things that are coming.

These are trying times, for sure. They have been for years, and they have been getting progressively worse. But as long as we keep our focus on Yahweh, as long as we continue to work according to His Will, we can keep moving forward.

This is what I'm trying to do... move forward. It's been tough for me, though. Especially lately. Especially since my trip. I know I have Yeshua with me. I know His Spirit is here. I know Adonai is lighting my path with His #Word. I'm just in a bad spot right now. My human heart, my love for my dear wife, has been all-consuming since February 21.

Grief is a fickle friend, if you want to call #Grief a friend. It's like waves coming to shore - it will sometimes just lap at your feet, and others just crash down onto you. And when it crashes down, sometimes it knocks the wind out of you and makes it difficult for you to stand back up.

That's what it's been like for me, lately. I'm standing on this boat, wanting to step onto the water, when Grief knocks the boat hard enough to make me stumble to the deck. Once I regain my footing, another wave comes along. So, I need a better balance; I need to get a better grip on the railing so I can climb over and onto the water.

How do I gain better balance? By diving deeper into His Word. By being more committed to Him and His Will for me. Fighting through this despair has been taxing on my heart, my mind, my physical being. I'm exhausted of grief right now, but I know this part of my journey is just for a season. Who knows how long this season will last, though...? I'll find out. Patiently.

I love you, my wonderful wife. Always. Forever. #Fiercely


Ephesians 6:18


Colossians 3:12