Teach All Nations

May 27, 2023

We hadn't gone to all nations to share God's #Love and the Gospel of Yeshua. But, we did teach children's Sunday School for several years before Felicia's endo just became too much for her to manage and teach.

We loved teaching those kids, though. Felicia loved helping her sister with the Extreme Kids (a group of kids who would do interpretive dancing for church). Felicia had a special attachment to some of those kids, too, and she was loved by them all, from what we could tell. I know some who loved her dearly. They even came to her Celebration on February 25th. I hated that I had to see these young adults in that way, but it just showed how impactful Felicia was with her love and guidance.

Teaching is something we both enjoy doing. I do it for a living. Teaching kids was something that we started doing nearly from the beginning of our lives together. And we did that for many years until it just became too tough for Felicia to manage (among other variables).

Even though we stopped teaching those kids in church, we never stopped sharing the Word of God with kids - more specifically, with our nieces and nephews and Felicia's cousins. We tried sharing God's Word in various ways: through our actions, through our communication, and through reading the Bible to them (though, not as often as every Sunday).

Felicia understood the calling God gave us as a couple. And she was willing to step way outside of her comfort zone. She loved every one of those kids she taught. She knew the importance of sharing God's Word with the next generation. And her efforts paid off to a degree. Of all the kids she and her sister and Haley taught, several of them have turned out to be wonderful young adults. I don't know about all of them because I only follow "several" of them on the socials. And those I follow that were her "Extreme Kids" all seem to be really good people.

So, no, we didn't travel the world, baptizing people in the names of Yahweh, Yeshua, and the Ruach Kodshecha. But we, hopefully, made an eternal impact on dozens of kids we taught.

I miss you, my sweet teacher. Always. Forever. #Fiercely




Ephesians 6:18