
April 7, 2023

This was the Verse of the Day from last year. These fruits were traits Felicia exhibited daily. Even through all her pain, she would still display each of these. She was a testament to Yahweh's #Love. Her testament was truly remarkable and always encouraging to me.

As I continue my million-mile journey up this mountain, I am constantly reminded of Felicia's love for the Lord and the character of her devotion to Him. She was always seeking Him, always talking to Him. She remained #faithful to Him, even through her #suffering.

Now, I need to continue keeping her memories alive by maintaining my #trust and faith in Him. I need to keep climbing this mountain so that I can share His Love with others. I need to show others that through Yeshua, we can reach the peak of our mountain.

I miss my God-fearing, Jesus-loving, Spirit-indwelled #wife. I miss her laugh. I miss her sayings. I miss her arms around me. I miss her kiss... but I rest in the knowledge that she's #healed, #whole, and #ALIVE in His Presence, worshiping Him and praising His Name while in His Full Glory. This brings me a peace amidst my suffering because she's doing what she's always wanted to do: worship Him fully and without any interruption.

I'm still broken, but am healing. I'm still crushed, but He's lifting this weight...

I love you, my sweet, sweet angel. Always. Forever. #Fiercely


Good Steward


1 Peter 3:15