
April 12, 2023

When I started this journey seven weeks ago, I would never have been able to move through my darkest of hours without His #Light. It's the light of the Messiah that has been giving me #Hope. I've been able to climb my million-mile mountain only by the illumination from His Light.

It's this Light that helped Felicia through her life. She #trusted in His #Grace and #Mercy and allowed His Light to shine on her path. And now she's worshipping in His Light, His #Love, His #Peace... Felicia is pain-free and singing praises to Yahweh, worshipping at His Feet, no longer in tears. She's whole again. She's healed. And she's surrounded by His Love - a feeling we can only get a glimpse of while still on this rotting earth.

So, now, I need to let Yeshua's Light continue to shine before me, lighting my way out of this boat, onto the perilous sea, and into the Hands of My Lord. As I step out of this boat, I need to keep my focus on Him who gives us Light; I need to show Him I'm #faithful. I need to step out of this boat and continue my journey.

I still have a ways to go. I still have more "firsts" that I'll need to get through. But by His Providence and in His Love, I know those moments will be easier; I know I'll be able to keep climbing. I'll need to remember these things next Monday, the 17th - this will be my first birthday in 22 years where I won't have my beautiful bride to celebrate it with me... right now, I can't imagine how that's going to feel other than lonely... I pray Yeshua will continue to light my way as I approach and walk through that day.

I miss you, my gorgeous wife. I miss your laugh, your lips, your love, your eyes... I miss you. But I rest knowing you're with Our Savior, praising His Name. This is my comfort. This is my peace.

I love you, Felicia. Always. Forever. #Fiercely


Abide in Him


John 6:35