Abide in Him

April 13, 2023

Felicia did her best to remain in Yeshua. I'm sure, in her most painful moments, she may have felt like He abandoned her. That's a natural feeling, I suppose. I know there have been times in my life when I felt that way. But even though she may have felt He had abandoned her, she remained focused on Him. She kept her #faith in Him. And He would show up to prove He never left her.

Felicia loved Our Lord with all her heart, soul, and mind. She constantly sought after Him, after His #Love. She abided in Him and in His Word, so I know He was always with her. In the worst of times, she would cry out to Him. In those moments, I could feel Him comforting her, comforting me.

There are times in our lives where we may feel abandoned by Yahweh - we may feel like He no longer cares for us. If you let that feeling fester, you will eventually push Him away. It's in these moments of total despair when we need to remember that He's right there. He'll never abandon us if we continue to abide in Him, dwell in His #Word.

When my favorite part of me was taken away Tuesday, February 21, I could have easily abandoned God. I could have simply just pushed Him out of my life through #anger and #hurt. But I knew that would have been a perilous decision. I knew that in that very moment, the very worst moment I have ever experienced, I needed My Father more than anyone had ever needed anything.

Were it not for my faith in Him, were it not for His Love, I shudder to think where I'd be right now. But because I knew that He had not abandoned me in that hour, I could hold onto Him, sobbing through my shattered heart, my life seemingly totally destroyed. Because I decided to remain in My Savior, the Messiah Yeshua, He has been with me every step I've taken up this million-mile mountain.

I'll admit I stepped off the path here and there. No one is perfect except Him. But each time my foot left the path, His Hand would reach out for me, beckoning me to return. I still have miles to go in my #journey but as long as I continue to remain in Him, in His Word, I know I'll summit this mountain.

I love you, my beautiful wife. Always. Forever. #Fiercely


Way, Truth, and Life

