Out of tragedy, good

April 15, 2023

Out of every #tragedy, no matter how horrible, comes some sort of good - whether it's directed toward the griever, through them, with them, by them... I believe that's true. I've always believed that's true.

I've always #trusted in My Lord to bring some sort of goodness from whatever tragedy I've experienced. And He has. Always. So, even now, in the most desperate of my moments, in the most vulnerable I have ever been, Yahweh has willed some #good to come from this. I know there's more good to be had, but I'm not going to just sit and wait for it.

I need to step out of this #boat. And I will. But, for now, I'll accept all the good I can get. My coworkers have been good to me. My friends (old and new) have been good to me. My family has been good to me. But, you know what, we're all family. I consider each of you family. Some may be that "weird uncle" or "crazy aunt," but I still love you and am thankful for you.

The most good I've gotten out of this, so far, is a deeper and fonder closeness with my SIL Lynn and my MIL Vickie. I need to start talking to Lee to complete the circle. But, I feel even closer to him, too. As a part of my healing, God has taken this tragedy and brought the goodness of #family and #love out of it. For this, I am beyond #thankful and love you all for your continued prayers and support. Even when its just a "Hi." Even if you just lightly pat me on the back and squeeze my shoulder. I know. I know your hearts. I have been surrounded by some of the most loving and generous and kind and considerate people I may ever know. And I can't thank y'all enough for all you've said, not said, done... God has really taken care of my shattered heart through each of you.

#ThankYou. I can't imagine having ever gone on this journey with anyone else. And, it breaks my heart there are people who don't know Yeshua as their own Savior; it breaks my heart there are people out there who don't have the family (which includes you) I have to support them. I pray that if ever anyone experiences a tragedy like ours, God will #bless them with the same Love He's blessed me with.

Thank You, Father, for the people you put into my life. I could not have asked for a better family than mine. Everyone has played some kind of part in my tragedy, and they've done it selflessly and lovingly. You, Father, are deserving of all #Praise and #Glory. Your Love has been evident to me since the moment it happened. I am so thankful I have the parents I do for their upbringing. And that spreads to the rest of the family. You, Father, have continued to carry me up this mountain. You have not ever abandoned me. Thank You, Adonai, for the life you've given me. You gave me the most wonderful wife any man should have. You used her to bring me back to you by her love for You.

She taught me long ago that good can come from tragedy. And, now, I'm reminded again by my beautiful wife. Thank you, Lord, for giving me 22 of the most incredible years I've had, so far. The marriage you blessed us with is one I pray others get to have. You've given us the most wonderful life together and I can't praise you enough for that. Thank you, Yahweh. I love you.

And thank you, my beautiful angel. Your #faith in Our Lord is what brought me back to Him. Your love and trust in Him is what gave us 22 beautiful years. You listened to Him and allowed Him to pull me out of the muck and back onto the #Path. I love you, my sweet wife. Always. Forever. #Fiercely


A Toe Touching the Water

