A Toe Touching the Water

April 16, 2023

Felicia believes this. She believes Yeshua is the Bread of Life, Our Savior, the #way, #truth, and #life. Because of this, she's now singing Praises to Him in His Presence, basking in the #Glory of Yahweh's Full and Powerful #Love.

It's this truth that I hold to. It's this belief that encourages me to continue - knowing Felicia is healed and whole again, pain-free and no longer suffering, without tears or hurt. This is my peace.

And, because I, too, believe that Jesus is the only begotten Son of God and is now sitting at His right hand, waiting for His return, I know I'll join Felicia, and all others who went before me, some day. Until then, I need to step out of this boat and onto the water and meet Jesus. I need to have #faith that my journey up this million-mile mountain will continue to be with Yeshua carrying my shattered heart and His Spirit carrying my immovable weight. They have, so far. I just need to let my wife go so that I can continue healing.

I will. I know I will. I can feel my foot hovering over the side of the boat, water touching my toes. I'll step out. Soon. And Jesus is patiently waiting for me on the stormy waves. He's waiting for me to go to Him, take His Hand, pick up my cross, and follow Him up the rest of this mountain. With God, no one can be against me - no one can stop my climb. I know this. I just need to let Felicia go. I will. When I'm ready. And He knows that. That's why He's patiently waiting for me. I feel that.

I miss you, my gorgeous angel. I miss your laugh, your eyes, your radiant beauty, your love... I miss YOU. Terribly. But I can't be selfish and ask for you back because you're healed and whole and in a place we all long for. I would never want you to return to this awful place. That would mean you'll be suffering, still. You suffered long enough, my love. And now you're laughing, singing, and dancing. You have no more tears, sorrow, or pain. I would be a selfish man if I asked God to take you away from His Glory and return you to this evil world. But I still miss you...

I love you, my precious wife. Always. Forever. #Fiercely




Out of tragedy, good