What is Man?

April 20, 2023

We were the last of God's Creation. He spoke everything else into existence before forming us - first Adam from clay then Eve from Adam. Here, the Psalmist ponders how Yahweh could focus specifically on us out of all His creation.

I'm sure we've all wondered this at some point in our walk with God. I know I have - I've wondered why the Bible says God loves us when so many bad things happen in this world. Seeing all the turmoil and strife we are suffering through, and have been suffering through, can really tempt us to think that God doesn't really care for us. We ask the one question that is asked more than any other: "If God is such a loving God, how can he let [issue] happen??"

Well, we first have to understand that even though Yahweh loves us more than any other of His creations, He's a Just and Righteous God. He's also incapable of evil. He's so incapable of evil that evil can't exist in His Presence. It's impossible for evil to be where God is. So, even though we may get angry at God and start casting doubt because a bad thing has happened to us, we should, instead, dive deeper into His Word to find the #Truth.

And the truth is: God loves us so much, he sacrificed His one and only Son as the ultimate Lamb which took all our sins and gave us a New Covenant. If we believe this, if we acknowledge that Yeshua is His Son and not only died with our sins on His back but fought #death and rose again to sit at God's right hand, we will spend our eternity surrounded in His #Glory.

Bad things happen in this world because satan walks like a lion on this earth, doing his best to tempt us into believing God doesn't care for us or, even worse, believing He doesn't even exist. God could easily remove all evil at once, but then His most-loved creation wouldn't be able to truly see and understand His Justice and Love for us.

Felicia understood. She knew that even through all her pain, God was her Comforter. She went to Him daily. She knew He's incapable of evil and constantly sought after His Love. Because of that, she's finally and fully healed, praising His Name in His Eternal #Glory. This comforts me.

I love you, my beautiful, sweet angel. Always. Forever. #Fiercely


1 Chronicles 16:34

