2 Corinthians 9:6

April 24, 2023

When Felicia was capable, she gave generously. She made sure those around her were taken care of. Especially the kids we taught or watched. She was selfless with her giving. And she did it without any thought or hope for a reciprocal return.

That's #true #giving. As Yeshua said (paraphrased) "When you give with your right hand, don't let your left hand know." Basically, don't go bragging about what you've done. Give humbly. Felicia was very humble in her giving. I know there are people today who still don't know she gave to help them. She truly loved everyone she met and wanted to enrich their walk with Yahweh by talking about Him, sharing His #Love with them, and sharing how He's always helped us in need and blessed us through our deeds.

Felicia's #faith in Our Father was always solid, always visible. Even in the worst of her times, she still looked to Him, clung to Him. Now I need to continue clinging to Him, I need to continue looking to Him. I need to keep sowing. I need to show those around me, those whose paths I cross, that God can #bless any situation, no matter how heart-shattering it may be. I need the world to see that Yahweh is still working in me, He's still walking with me, He's still helping me on my million-mile climb up this mountain...

I just have to step out of this boat, like Simon Peter, and walk across my stormy seas to meet Jesus on the water. I need to take that #faithful step. And I will. I know I will. I pray He knows I will. I just need my healing heart to be healed a little more. I need my shattered life to be restored a little more. My Lord and Savior knows this. He's patient. And will wait for me. But even as I stand on this boat, one foot with toes touching the water, I can't let my hesitation keep me from continuing to sow. I can't let my pause in this climb prevent me from planting seeds of #Hope and Love in the lives around me. I pray I continue to share His Message even while I'm standing still in this boat.

I miss you, my gorgeous wife. I miss your smile, your kiss. I miss YOU. But you're healed and praising His Name surrounded by His Light. This comforts me in my despair.

I love you, Felicia. Always. Forever. #Fiercely


Psalms 3:3

