My Million-Mile Mountain

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April 15, 2023

Felicia found the pasture long ago. She knew Jesus as her Savior, her Shepherd, her Gate. She was a testament to His #Love and #Grace. Whenever she could, she would share His Love with others.

And it's this trait she had which Yahweh used to bring me back to Him. She listened to Him and trusted in Him that I was the one He made for her. Not a day goes by that I'm not grateful for her #faith and #trust in Him. Because of her love for Yeshua, I returned to My Savior those 22 years ago.

Now, I need to have that same faith and step out of this boat. I need to show Jesus I'm ready for the next part of my climb up this million-mile mountain. I'm just having a difficult time letting her go. I'm finding it hard to fully give her back to The Lord. I know I need to; I know it will be a healthy step to take. But my shattered heart, which is in Jesus' hands, still mourns her. It still longs for her. It still waits for her...

I'm getting closer, though. I have one foot hanging over the edge of the boat, ready to touch the water. I'm trying. But it will take some time. I'll get there. I know I will. I just need patience and understanding, I suppose. I need to realize that even though I'll be letting Felicia go, I will not be taking her out of my heart nor erasing her from my mind. FAR from it. All I'll be doing is simply telling her "Bye" for now... even thinking this is tough, though. But I know, with Yeshua holding my heart and His Spirit carrying my burdensome weight, I can say it. I just need to say it...

I will. Someday soon. I'll step off this boat and walk across this stormy sea to Him. I just need a little more time. And I thank You, Yahweh, for Your patience with me. I thank You for Your Love.

I miss you, my darling angel. Always. Forever. #Fiercely