My Million-Mile Mountain

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Good Steward

April 8, 2023

Felicia was a good steward. She ministered as well as she could through her pain. Whenever someone needed to know of God's #Love and #Grace, she was quick to share the #GoodNews. She has a love for Our Father that got stronger through the years.

Now, I need to keep her legacy alive by continuing to be the steward He wants me to be. I need to use any opportunity I have to minister to those in need. I need to pick up the mantle Felicia left for me and pick up my #cross daily to share the message Yeshua started 2000 years ago: " ‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.’ This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’ "

As we approach His Tomb tomorrow, let's remember why He was placed on the cross to begin with: as the ultimate #Lamb - a sacrifice to end all sacrifices so that if we believe in Yeshua, in His Death and Resurrection, we will be #saved and reunited with Him in Heaven once our earthly vessels are depleted.

It's this #message that Felicia held to every day. She loved the Lord Our God with ALL her heart, soul, and mind. And she loved everyone she met, as difficult as that is. Her love for Jesus was unfiltered and unashamed. She ministered to me that way. In fact, it was her love for Our Savior that returned me to His Path. I still stumble and mess up, but His Love and Grace were revealed to me, again, after years of me wondering in the wilderness - all because Felicia loved Yahweh and His Son.

Thank you, Father, for bringing my sweet wife into my life. I had the most wonderful 22 years with her and am eternally grateful You brought her into my broken life. Through her love for You, I was able to get back onto the path you paved for me. Now, I need to climb this million-mile mountain so that people can know You.

I miss you, Felicia. I'm healing now. My shattered heart is being put back together by Jesus. My crushed soul is being restored by the Spirit. I still mourn for you, but I'm thankful you know Him and are #healed and Praising His Name right now. This keeps a smile on my broken heart.

I love you, my princess. Always. Forever. #Fiercely