Pax Vobiscum
Chan Graham Chan Graham

Pax Vobiscum

Grief is an odd emotion. Sometimes, it's a peaceful, loving emotion. Sometimes, it's a sobbing, heart-wrenching emotion.

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God Shall Wipe Away Every Tear
Chan Graham Chan Graham

God Shall Wipe Away Every Tear

My healing will take time. I know this. I just, sometimes, feel like I'll never get up this million-mile mountain... sometimes I feel like I'm drowning in this stormy lake…

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I Need to Be a Witness
Chan Graham Chan Graham

I Need to Be a Witness

I know it's been nearly 13 weeks, but it feels like yesterday. I thought I turned a corner a few weeks ago... I think I was wrong. I thought I stepped out of the boat and crossed the stormy waters to Yeshua's Hands... I think I was wrong.

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