My Million-Mile Mountain

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May 7, 2023

Hey, Felicia... I'm sitting at a countertop in a renowned restaurant here. The wait was long, but I'm sure it will be worth it. As I was waiting, I couldn't help but chuckle thinking about how you would have said, after 15 minutes (I waited about 30), "C'mon. Let's go somewhere else." You had patience, but you really didn't like waiting in lines. I'm sure I could have convinced you, though.

It's tough being here without you. You would love it here. There's something quite magical about this place during this time of year. I think you would want to stay a good while, though I'm sure the pain and suffering you often endured would have dampened the fun. I never let that stop me, though. My fun was always with you, no matter where we were.

I've been distracted a lot of times while here, so far. I've walked through gardens, I've sat in neat restaurants, I even took in a movie last night - one which you probably couldn't have cared less about, LOL. These distractions have helped me. But, whenever I think of you, my pain returns... my shattered heart reminds me of my lost love. Even now, as I write this, I'm trying to hold back the tears and mourning so that I dont bring myself any attention to the patrons of this place.

My breakfast just got served, so I'm going to stop typing and enjoy one of your favorites: pancakes.

I love you, my sweet angel. Always. Forever. #Fiercely