
May 8, 2023

Hey, Felicia... this morning, I went on a walking tour of this town I'm it. It was pleasant and informative. There's a lot of history here. Not just local or state, but national and religious, too.

While on the walk, we witnessed a young couple get engaged (the fella really surprised her, good on him). That moment nearly brought me to my knees... oh, how I miss you, my love. I miss your laugh, your smile, your charm... I miss how we could joke about nearly anything. I miss how we had to make up something stupid to argue about just so we could say we argued (you always won, too).

I miss being with you. And, while I'm away, I miss talking to you. I miss my beautiful bride horribly. I miss being in your arms. I miss kissing your soft lips. I miss YOU.

I don't think you would have minded this tour, especially the religious parts of it. You would have enjoyed the stories of this town...

My shattered heart is mourning for you right now. Some moments are better than others, and right now is a bad one. I'm glad I came on this trip, though - its helping me to preserve my fond memories of the love we had. I've been telling people I'm here to honor you. They've been nothing but polite and loving. You would have loved being here with me.

Now, I need to have some lunch and see more of this beautiful place. And, as I do, I'll continue to think of you, my precious angel. I thank God for allowing me to do this, for providing a way for me to do this, for being with me as I weep over my wife's death... I miss you so much, Felicia. More than everyone who have missed anyone, ever, times a million billion trillion. My heart aches for you, and your sweet kisses.

But, as I sit here, I can feel Yeshua calling to me across this water, reaching for me and telling me "Have #faith... I am with you." He's healing my broken heart, but I know there will always be a scar there where the best part of me was removed that fateful day in February.

Thank you for 22 #fantastic years, my darling bride. I've been truly #blessed with the best wife any man could ever ask for. There's no way I deserved you, but God's #Providence put us together so that I might find my way back to Him, through you. Thank you for being His voice in my wilderness back then. Your #love for Him was what pulled me back out of the miry pit and onto the path He set for me.

I love you, my beautiful, sweet, incredible wife. Always. Forever. #Fiercely


I’m Your Pookie…

