I’m Your Pookie…

May 13, 2023

Hey, Felicia...

Coming home will never be the same... you weren't there to pick me up from the airport... you weren't here to exclaim "Pookie!!" as I walked through the door... you're not here to offer foot rubs after the 16+ miles of walking I did this week... you weren't here for me to kiss hello and squeeze...

Although I'm glad to be home, although I feel the trip was a great step in my healing, I didn't really think about the coming home part... until I got into Cherry at the airport. You weren't there...

Now, through tears of sorrow, I weep over you. My heart just rebroke into a billion pieces as I pulled into the driveway. I miss my beautiful wife. I miss your laugh; your smile; your warm hugs; your kiss... I miss you terribly right now. I didn't realize coming home after 8 days away would have this much of an impact on my spirit...

So I turn to Our Father. I ask Him to comfort me in my grieving. I ask Him to hold me ever so close as I mourn over you. And I will keep climbing this million-mile mountain. I will keep walking across this stormy lake. I will move forward because He needs me to. He wants me to. I do it for Him, for His Glory, for His Praise. And I do it in honor of my beloved wife, who taught me to be strong in my faith...

These pictures are from Yesterday. Frank L. Baum had a house near Holland, MI and it's rumored a part of the book Wizard of Oz was written there. So, the townsfolk made a tribute to him using the original drawings from the book. Those who donated over time got to get their names stamped on a brick. Where I sat, I saw "Pookie," your nickname for me. It was serendipitous and I felt God comfort me as I saw that. It was a good feeling, my love.

I love you, my sweet angel. Always. Forever. #Fiercely


12 Weeks

