8 Weeks

April 18, 2023

8 weeks ago, today, was the last time we said "I love you" to each other. 8 weeks ago today, was the last time I held you...

Not a moment goes by that I'm not thinking of you, remembering things we did, or looking at your photo. I miss you intensely, Felicia. I miss your laugh, your hugs, your wit, your love... I miss my beautiful wife.

But, you're in the best place we can all hope to be. You're healed, whole, and singing praises to Our Father. As hard as it is for me to go through each day, I do find comfort and peace in this. I still weep over your passing. I still mourn your absence. But, I'm comforted by the Holy Spirit. I'm in the company of Yeshua. I can feel Yahweh holding me...

I went to my dentist today. He happens to follow me on IG, so he knew I had lost you. Dr. Wilson didn't need to say anything but he felt compelled to express his condolences. Better yet, he hugged me. I've never had anyone in the medical profession treat me this way. I even saw my physician a few weeks ago, and he offered his condolences, but not a hug. Thank you, Father, for putting such a wonderful person like Dr. Wilson in my life. I needed that hug on the eighth week of Felicia’s passing.

I still have some rough moments each day, my sweet princess. But God's #Love is comforting me. I miss your presence, my beautiful angel. But I'm glad you're in HIS Presence.

I love you, Felicia. Always. Forever. #Fiercely




She’s My Audrey Hepburn