Mall Memories

March 20, 2023

I had to go to the bank today. After I left, I decided to go to the mall to just wander aimlessly along the corridors hoping to clear my head a little.

It didn't work. I had forgotten how much fun Felicia and I had going to the mall. Even though some of the stores we frequented are no longer there, the nostalgia and reminders are.

Everywhere I looked, every store I passed, walls of memories came crashing down on me. I managed to keep my composure as I continued the two-lap walk. But only just...

Who knew that a simple trek to the mall would stir up so many things. Even now, as I write this, I'm in the Ingles parking lot all teary-eyed. The loss of my gorgeous bride is hard - much harder than I could have imagined. The wonderful thing, though, is every memory I have is a fantastic one. Even the mall memories - they are all good. Holding hands, flirting, shopping... I miss her. Terribly.

Tomorrow will be one month without my angel by my side. I pray, Heavenly Father, you hold my shattered heart as I continue this million-mile journey. Please keep me moving forward through this dark muck I've found myself in. Remind me of Your Love and Grace, Father.

I miss you, Felicia. Terribly. Always. Forever. #Fiercely


Thank You, Adonai


My Burden is Still Heavy