Matthew 21:21

April 4, 2023

Felicia had #faith in Yeshua. She had faith in Yahweh. She knew that no matter what, we could get through anything. And we did. For 22 years...

I'm faithful I'll be provided for by My Lord during my million-mile climb up this mountain. I'm faithful I'll be helped along the way. But sometimes, I know I'm not faithful enough. Sometimes, I know my faith isn't strong enough to move this mountain. I need to work on that.

Jesus' ministry was mostly about having faith in Yahweh. He spoke of faith often. He has been asking us to have faith in God and in Him for millenia. And after all these years, I find myself unable to ask this mountain to move...

Today marks the sixth week... I lost the love of my life, the only person who truly understood me and loved me regardless, the one person whom God used to bring me back to Him... six weeks ago, today, I lost Felicia.

It's still so fresh... it still seems like it just happened... that pain and agony I felt that evening still torments me. My heart suffers. My spirit is crushed. But in these moments of horrendous despair, I turn to Yeshua. I look to Yahweh. I cry out in lonely heartache, asking for Their support.

"Where does my help come from? It comes from the Lord." I need to heed the words of David and continue putting my Faith in My Lord. It's my faith which has gotten me this far. Now I need to step out of the boat...

I love you, Felicia. I miss you terribly. I miss your laugh. I miss your kiss. I miss YOU. Always. Forever. #Fiercely


John 12:8

