John 12:8

April 5, 2023

When Jesus spoke these words to His disciples, He was telling them that He wasn't going to be there, in the flesh, throughout their lives. He was telling them they would always have a ministry, but not with Him leading it. At the time, they had no idea of the significance of what was just said. But they would soon be endowed with the Holy Spirit and continue Yeshua's ministry after He returned to His Father's Right Hand.

Felicia loved ministry. She was an introvert, but she did not let that stop her. She loved teaching the children of our old church. She loved dancing and praising The Lord with a group called Extreme Kids. She had a servant's heart, for sure.

Once endo started really affecting her social life, she was unable to continue doing those things. And, she missed them. However, she still served Yahweh however and whenever she could. She was always devoted to Him and His Word.

One of the many ways she served Him was through commenting on various YouTube videos. She'd catch an erroneous remark or a false teaching and would be quick to correct the YouTuber or the person who commented. She'd do it with #love. She showed respect but also showed how they were wrong or misleading in what they said.

Felicia was ALWAYS about the #truth. She had no shame in Our Lord and Savior and made sure that whenever she did comment somewhere, it was apparent - her love for Yeshua. She was helping the poor in this manner: the poor in knowledge of the Messiah; the poor in spirit. And she did so with love and kindness. She wanted to reflect God's Love through her words.

My shattered heart swells just thinking about how my beautiful wife did what she could to share the Love of Jesus. She loved Him so much and it showed. Now, she's in His Presence, basking in His #Glory, fully healed and ALIVE singing praises to Him who Created All Things. This comforts me. This brings a peace to me. I'm still broken. I'm still in pieces. But I know she's better, now.

I miss you, my sweet, sweet angel. Always. Forever. #Fiercely


1 Peter 3:15


Matthew 21:21