My Million-Mile Mountain

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The Day We Met…

March 17, 2023

22 years ago, tonight, God answered the one prayer I had been praying for years. 22 years ago, God revealed my wife to me.

She wasn't supposed to be there but her blind date ended early so her sister asked her to go. The moment I saw Felicia, the world grew silent except for the breeze; the world grew dim except for the light around her. As I was filming a band during their St. Patrick's Day concert, my world changed. Forever.

Not a day goes by, even now in my lonely despair, that I don't remember that night vividly and fondly. Well, that part of the night, anyway. Ever since that night, Felicia had always been a part of my life.

With Felicia's help, Yahweh redirected my path and got me back onto my trail to redemption. Felicia was God’s instrument in getting me back closer to Him. I am eternally grateful she listened to Him. I am eternally grateful she said "Yes!" those hundreds of times I proposed. I am eternally grateful she said "I do."

Today is going to be rough, I'm sure. While others will be pinching the green-less and finishing their Friday with a pint of green beer, I'll be remembering my bride... I'll be thinking of her beautiful smile, recalling her wonderful laughter, imagining her delicate touch.

I miss my wife. Terribly. Horribly. Awfully. But I know she's in so much a better place than we all are - I know she's healed, whole, and ALIVE in His Eternal Glory, singing praises to Him and worshipping Our Lord and Savior. This is my peace. This is my solace. She's healed and happy, now. No more tears from my darling wife.

Mine still flow... and will for a while, I'm sure. But God is with me. His Son and Spirit are with me. I'll be okay. Someday...

I love you, Felicia. Happy-Day-We-Met-iversary. I miss you. Always. Forever. #Fiercely