My Million-Mile Mountain

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My Refuge

March 15, 2023

This million-mile mountain climb is easier when I lean on Yeshua. I call out to Yahweh in heartbroken despair because I know He can make all things new; His Spirit can comfort me.

As I continue this journey, I am apprehensive about what may be around the next corner, but I need to have #Fairh that He will still be with me, guiding me along this path.

I miss Felicia horribly. I miss her love, her laugh, her smile... I miss her. This pain has become bearable only through my #Hope in Yeshua. This loneliness has become easier only through my union with His Holy Spirit. His Strength is the only thing keeping me upright and moving forward.

Three weeks ago, I was in a dark fog, but I was in God's hands. I surrendered fully to Him because He is all I have that can sustain me. He gave me the friends and family I have for this very moment in my life, and I am #thankful for each and every one of you. I pray Yahweh blesses you all for your kindness and love for me - you have truly been helpful.

As I continue my journey, I ask that you continue remembering me in your prayers, and I thank you for that. I'm ready for whatever comes next, and I pray I keep Our Father at the front of my path.

I love you, my dear sweet angel. Always. Forever. #Fiercely