Colossians 3:1

June 2, 2023

I can't imagine going through life without the #Hope Yeshua offers in His #Sacrifice and #Resurrection. I can't imagine waking up and thinking there's no God, and when we die, we just disappear. These ideas are so foreign to me, they seem fake. I don't understand how people who know about Yahweh and His Son just refuse to believe the #Truth because the truth is inconvenient for their living. This makes no sense to me, and it saddens me whenever I think about the billions of people who would rather worship some countless number of gods or follow a false prophet (and horrible person) or just think we're all "energy" and end up as particles roaming around forever.

What a terrible way to live life. Why would anyone choose a life of hopeless endeavors, knowingly lying to themselves, believing false or misleading narratives about who Yahweh really is? If anyone would just pick up the #Bible and actually studied it (you don't even need a church or minister to get started, just download YouVersion and start reading the NIV or KJV version of the Bible), you would start to understand who God is and why He needed to send His Son to absorb the sins of those who believe Yeshua died and rose again.

I know there are preachers out there who teach false or misleading doctrines, and this is one of the reasons the flock is thinning. And this breaks my heart. If being a follower of Yeshua were supposed to be an easy, wealth-making, happy-go-lucky lifestyle, then I'm sure these billions of non-believers would be quick to follow. But, Jesus said following Him will be difficult, and His followers could go through torment from non-believers. In other words, it would be easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle than for His followers to stay on the narrow path to righteousness.

My Hope IS Yeshua. My shattered heart can only be healed by His Divine Hands. Knowing who My Creator is, knowing that Jesus took my sins upon Him on the #cross, is why I can continue moving forward. And knowing Felicia also knew all this and is with Yeshua right now helps me wake up each morning.

I love you, my beautiful wife. Always. Forever. #Fiercely


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