Galations 5:22-23

June 4, 2023

Felicia embodied these traits. Some more than others, but she did her best to exemplify these fruits of the Spirit. The #love she had for Yahweh and the love she had for me and her family was wholesome and wonderful. The #joy she gave me whenever she was with me was just a glimpse of the joy she had in Our Father.

The #peace she carried, though still being worked on, was one which I knew was a hard-earned peace. She always complemented me on how I could just let things go and hold hardly any grudges. She learned from me how to let things go, and this started bringing her more peace.

#Patience (Longsuffering) was a true trait of hers. In fact, this is one of the traits she has taught me (though I still need more practice). My wife was about as patient as they come. Along with her patience was her #gentleness - she loved animals and her family and was as gentle as a soft hand caressing a warm cheek. And anyone who met her saw the #goodness she radiated. As well as her #faith.

Her #meekness was clearly visible to all, especially since she was somewhat of an introvert. But the one trait she embodied more than most was her self-control (#temperance). She taught me, through the last 22 years, how to have self-control over any out-of-control thoughts or feelings I would have by focusing on Him.

My lovely wife was a great example of these characteristics a #Believer should have. She taught me these in our marriage and in our growth in God. I'm #thankful Felicia followed after God, continuously looking to Him for all things. And He blessed our marriage and our lives as a result of her (and my) #faith.

Thank you for being my wife, Felicia. Thank you for letting Yahweh work through you for me. Thank you for being #selfless. I love you, my angel. Always. Forever. #Fiercely


Renew a Right Spirit


Do Not Be Discouraged