Psalm 143:10
Chan Graham Chan Graham

Psalm 143:10

I'm trying to learn to do His Will. I'm trying to stay on His Path He created for me. I've been trying to stay this coarse since that Tuesday nearly 12 weeks ago.

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John 1:12
Chan Graham Chan Graham

John 1:12

It's been an emotional roller-coaster this week. I've made many memories during my Honor Trip. There hasn't been one place I've visited or one event I've attended that hasn't been bittersweet.

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Romans 8:1
Chan Graham Chan Graham

Romans 8:1

As it goes, the more you chase after God's Own Heart, the harder satan and his minions will go after you. It's easier to let temptation win than keep a narrow focus on Yahweh. But, GREAT is the reward for those who maintain their God-Planned Course.

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Chan Graham Chan Graham


If we truly want the world to see God living in us through His Spirit, we need to try our best to be righteous. Let me tell you, if it were easy, this world would be so much better…

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