My Million-Mile Mountain

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She’s My Audrey Hepburn

April 13, 2023

Hey, Felicia. Guess what? I got to eat some spaghetti you made! You made a ton of it one of the last nights with us and we decided to freeze the leftovers. Well, your mom stumbled on it and asked if we should have that for dinner. I'm glad she asked. It was good tasting your cooking again. We still have some left over, so we're saving it for another time. Thank you for all the wonderful meals you cooked for me over the years. Your cooking and baking skills were top notch and I am grateful you shared them with me.

I miss your cooking. I miss your baking. I miss your laughs, your smile, your hugs. I miss you. But, I'm healing. Slowly. But I am. Only through Jesus. I wouldn't be in the place I am today without Our Lord and Savior.

I saw that documentary last night about Audrey Hepburn. It's called "Audrey." It's on YouTube. She was one of our favorite actresses, wasn't she? I know you loved her in Breakfast at Tiffany's (who didn't). Well, after watching that documentary, and learning more about her, I realized you were my Audrey Hepburn. Your heart for Jesus and children was so big. You and Audrey were a lot alike, especially in the growing up years (I mean, you weren't ducking for cover in WWII, but the emotional and psychological things you both went through were very similar). Watching that documentary made me really appreciate what you shared with me - your love, your thoughts, your fears, your past... I already appreciated all of that. But seeing a variation of your story told about someone else really got my heart.

Thank you, my love, for all the years you shared with me. Thank you for all the memories we got to create. Thank you for being you. I'm forever a changed man because of your #love for Yahweh and your love for me. I love you, my funny, sweet, beautiful lady. Always. Forever. #Fiercely