18 Weeks
Chan Graham Chan Graham

18 Weeks

It's times like this that Felicia would have been able to help me move through it. Now I need to show God I can be patient in my waiting.

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Let Not Your Heart be Troubled
Chan Graham Chan Graham

Let Not Your Heart be Troubled

Jesus reminded His disciples not to be afraid, not to let their hearts be troubled. I'm trying to practice what He told His followers. I'm trying not to let my heart be troubled. But it's in pieces.

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Chan Graham Chan Graham


My beautiful bride is a wonderful example of how to store up treasures in Heaven. The love she had for her fellow humans was beyond reproach. Her tender heart truly loves Our Creator, Adonai. She loves Him with all her heart, soul, and mind. And she loves those around her…

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Psalms 42:11
Chan Graham Chan Graham

Psalms 42:11

So, while this verse is applicable for my daily struggles, it's really applicable right now. My shattered heart needs to continue praising Yahweh. My crushed soul needs to continue reaching for Him.

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