Renew a Right Spirit
Chan Graham Chan Graham

Renew a Right Spirit

15 weeks ago, today, Felicia and I were cutting up. We were joking about the cats we feed. We were reminiscing about Buster. We were just living life, as if we had thousands of more days together…

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Galations 5:22-23
Chan Graham Chan Graham

Galations 5:22-23

Felicia embodied these traits. Some more than others, but she did her best to exemplify these fruits of the Spirit.

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Do Not Be Discouraged
Chan Graham Chan Graham

Do Not Be Discouraged

I thought I had been doing well. I thought I had been climbing steadily. But when I returned home from Holland two weeks ago, everything started over for me. I found myself still standing in the boat and not walking across the stormy lake into Yeshua's Hands.

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Colossians 3:1
Chan Graham Chan Graham

Colossians 3:1

My Hope IS Yeshua. My shattered heart can only be healed by His Divine Hands. Knowing who My Creator is, knowing that Jesus took my sins upon Him on the cross, is why I can continue moving forward. And knowing Felicia also knew all this and is with Yeshua right now helps me wake up each morning.

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